Healthy Food

Foods that Strengthen Tooth Enamel

Tooth enamel is a protective shield for your teeth, and it's super important to keep it strong and healthy. As the outermost layer of teeth, consider enamel as a sole defender, shielding the rest of your teeth from harmful bacteria that can cause cavities and other dental issues. But the question is, how can we keep it strong with all the activities and edibles out there? Well, to help you find the answer, keep reading below and make sure your enamel stays tough and your smile stays bright afterward.

Healthy Food

4 Foods to Strengthen Tooth Enamel

  • Water
  • Water is the ultimate superhero for your entire body, including your teeth. It helps wash away food debris and keeps your mouth hydrated, which is essential for maintaining strong enamel. Also, water is the most simple and common yet effective in keeping oral health good. 

  • Cheese/ Milk/ Yogurt
  • These foods contain calcium, a nutrient that keeps teeth healthy and strong. By consuming these edibles, you can surely maintain the firmness of your enamel, fighting off cavities and preventing tooth decay. 

  • Leafy Greens
  • Foods like spinach, kale, and lettuce are good sources of calcium, which is beneficial in keeping your enamel healthy. Besides, they contain other minerals that may contribute to maintaining good oral health. 

  • Apples/ Carrots
  • Consuming carrots and apples help produce saliva, moisturizing your mouth and kills harmful bacteria. Crunchy foods like these two are natural cleansers, enabling you to avoid cavities and other tooth issues.

    On top of that, remember to do your dental care routine appropriately and consistently to ensure good oral health. Wash your mouth with AZ Smile Cordless Dental Flosser, be at your home, office, or whenever your trip is, to keep your mouth free from food debris, which can cause plaque and cavity build up. This flosser is portable and messy-free, perfect for your oral care routine. 

    Eating a variety of these tooth-friendly foods is like creating a powerful team to protect your teeth and keep them healthy and happy! Join our conversation for more oral health tips by dropping a comment below.

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